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What are the primary ingredients of Rebotec Waterproofing powder additive?The main components are: Silicon dioxide, Portland cement, calcium hydroxide, and mineral base A (trade secret).
Can you provide details on how the additive interacts with concrete and mortar to enhance waterproofing?Rebotec Waterproofing is an insoluble water-repellent powder additive, which interacts with concrete or mortar through stable chemical bonds forming a barrier of electrostatic "micro-umbrellas" inside the pores and capillaries, which, by polar difference, repel water.
Welche spezifischen Eigenschaften verleiht das Additiv dem Beton oder Mörtel in Bezug auf die Wasserabdichtung?Es wird zu einem integralen Bestandteil des Betons, was zu einer stabilen und langlebigen Struktur führt: Ermöglicht dem Beton zu atmen. Es ist ungiftig (ABNT NBR 12170:2017: Wasserdichtungsmaterialien – Bestimmung der Trinkwasserqualität nach Kontakt). Erhöht die Haltbarkeit von Beton. Additiv zur Reduzierung der Permeabilität für hydrostatische Bedingungen. Null VOC – Das pulverförmige Produkt enthält keine flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen und ist sowohl im Freien als auch in geschlossenen Innenräumen sicher zu verwenden.
How does Rebotec Waterproofing work?REBOTEC Imprägniermittel ist ein speziell entwickeltes Pulveradditiv zur Abdichtung von Beton und Mörtel. Dieses Produkt ist ungiftig und verfügt über antimykotische und antibakterielle Eigenschaften, die sicherstellen, dass der Beton atmungsaktiv bleibt und während seiner gesamten Lebensdauer wasserabweisend ist. Es wird in einem Verhältnis von 4 % zum Gewicht des Zements verwendet, unabhängig vom Gewicht der Zuschlagstoffe. Während des Misch- oder Rührprozesses reagiert REBOTEC Imprägniermittel mit dem Zement, dringt in seine Matrix ein und verändert seine Polarität, wodurch das Material wasserabweisend wird.
What are Rebotec's standout features?It becomes an integral part of the concrete, resulting in a resistant and durable structure. Allows the concrete to breathe. Non-toxic, according to ABNT NBR 12170:2017. Increases the durability of concrete – for the concrete's life. Permeability reducing additive for hydrostatic conditions. The powder product contains zero volatile organic compounds and is safe for use both outdoors and in confined indoor spaces. Does not contain chloride in its formula, preventing corrosion of the concrete's structural reinforcement. Makes the walls less prone to heat or cold transmission.
How is Rebotec Waterproofing applied to concrete and mortar mixtures?Rebotec Waterproofing must be added to concrete at the time of concrete production. The sequence and addition procedures vary according to the type of operation, plant, and equipment. Ready-Mix Concrete: The aggregates, cement, and water should be mixed in the plant according to the usual procedures (taking into account the amount of water that has already been poured into the concrete mixer truck). Pour the Rebotec gradually into the truck flask and mix for at least 20 minutes to ensure a homogeneous distribution of the Rebotec in the mix.
Are there any compatibility issues with Rebotec Waterproofing and the commonly used concrete and mortar mixes?No. There may be incompatibility with certain additives used together with mortar or concrete, such as air fillers and some plasticizers. The indicated plasticizer is carboxylate ether.
Welche sind die empfohlenen Verhältnisse oder Dosierungen des Additivs, um eine optimale Wasserabdichtungsleistung zu erreichen?Das empfohlene Verhältnis beträgt 2 kg Rebotec Waterproof pro 50 kg Zementsack, das heißt, 4 % der Zementmasse, die in der Mischung verwendet wird.
Fungiert Rebotec Waterproof als klares wasserfestes Material oder füllt es hauptsächlich die Poren im Beton, um die Wasserverlagerung zu reduzieren?Rebotec Waterproof ist ein wasserabweisendes Additiv, das in den Poren und Mikrorissen von Beton wirkt, diese füllt und Wasser durch elektrostatische Abstoßung abweist, um einen wirksamen Feuchtigkeitsschutz zu bieten.
Can Rebotec Waterproofing be used in regions where temperatures reach 60°C in the summer?Rebotec Waterproofing remains fully functional at these temperatures, ensuring its effectiveness even under extreme heat conditions.
Can you share any test data or performance evaluations demonstrating the effectiveness of the additive in waterproofing applications?Yes, below. Plus the lab tests that can be sent. Below is a test carried out with concrete specimens with the addition of 4% of Rebotec Waterproofing taken from a construction site in the city of Luiz Alves – SC. A total of 4 specimens and one without the addition of Rebotec Waterproofing(CP 0) were collected. The graph shows the waterproofing efficiency of the specimens with Rebotec Waterproofing compared to the one without additive (CP 0) for 72 hours according to the ABNT NBR 9779 standard.
Is there a guarantee period?While we have full confidence in the quality and effectiveness of our products, we currently do not offer a guarantee due to the variable nature of their application and use by consumers. Our products are designed to perform exceptionally under recommended conditions and when used according to our guidelines, which includes proper quantities and application methods. However, we cannot control the variability of their application once they leave our hands, including factors such as adherence to the specified quantities, correct preparation, and application processes, crucial for achieving the desired results. We trust our customers to follow these guidelines closely to get the best out of our products, but due to these variables outside of our control, offering a blanket guarantee is not feasible. Rest assured, we stand by the quality and performance of our products and are committed to providing comprehensive guidance to ensure successful application.
What is the expected lifespan or durability of the waterproofing effect provided by the additive?Concrete lifespan.
Are there any environmental factors or conditions that may affect the performance of the additive over time?Application temperature above 4 ºC. Do not apply on release surfaces. Examples: paints, oils, asphalt blanket, smooth surfaces without adhesion and other waterproofing agents. Farofa-type subfloors with low water/cement factor. Additives and waterproofing products of other brands.
Für welche Arten von Bauprojekten oder Anwendungen eignet sich das Pulveradditiv?Träger, Ballast, maschinell bearbeiteter Beton, vorgespannter Beton, bewehrter Beton und projizierter Beton.
Are there any specific guidelines or recommendations for using the additive in different environments or structures (e.g., basements, foundations, swimming pools)?For application in swimming pools, it is recommended to use Rebotec Waterproofing on both the floor and the sides of the pool. To ensure optimal waterproofing, it is crucial to complement this use with a corner sealant that helps reinforce the joints and prevent any water leakage in these critical areas.
Is Rebotec Waterproofing suitable for use on basement concrete retaining walls and rafts?Yes, Rebotec Waterproofing can be applied to concrete retaining walls, but it's essential to understand this from an engineering perspective, rather than just waterproofing. When water is prevented from being absorbed by the wall, there is an accumulation of water weight against this structure. It's crucial to have proper drainage in place to ensure that the excess water does not exert pressure on the wall. That's our recommendation. However, if the structure was designed to bear significant load (which is generally the case with retaining walls), you only need to use Rebotec Waterproofing in the structure or plaster. This approach ensures that the wall remains protected against water while accommodating the engineering requirements for weight and pressure management.
Gibt es besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen oder Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, die während der Handhabung und Anwendung des Pulveradditivs zu beachten sind?Beim Hinzufügen von REBOTEC Waterproof: Temperaturanforderungen: Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Temperatur des Betons über 4°C liegt. Handhabung und Sicherheit: Schutzausrüstung: Tragen Sie immer Schutzbrille und Handschuhe zum Schutz. Lagerung: Bewahren Sie das Produkt in seiner Originalverpackung, ungeöffnet auf. Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern und Tieren aufbewahren. Bei Hautkontakt, der Trockenheit verursacht, die betroffene Stelle mit reichlich fließendem Wasser abwaschen. Im Falle einer Einnahme sofort einen Arzt konsultieren. Zusätzliche Informationen: Für genauere Sicherheitsrichtlinien siehe das Sicherheitsdatenblatt (MSDS).
Verbirgt Rebotec Waterproof irgendwelche Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit oder die Umwelt?Rebotec Waterproof birgt keine Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit oder die Umwelt.
Is Rebotec Waterproofing an aggregate?There are no changes to slump or resistance, so a specific concrete mix design for the inclusion of Rebotec Waterproofing is not necessary. You can add Rebotec Waterproofing as an aggregate, not as an additive.
Are there any regulatory approvals or certifications that the product has obtained regarding safety and environmental impact?Yes, the product has undergone a water potability test in accordance with the NBR ABNT 12170:2017 standard for waterproofing materials, which includes the determination of water potability after contact. Additionally, we have obtained the European Certification CE, confirming our compliance with EU safety, health, and environmental protection standards.
Suitability for Potable WaterRebotec Waterproofing is a non-toxic product, and we have conducted third-party potability tests to ensure its safety for use with potable water.
How widely available is the powder additive, and through what distribution channels can it be obtained?In the European territory, it can only be bought through us, the official distributor, Building Tech Solutions.
Do you offer technical support or assistance to contractors or construction professionals using the additive?We dont offer assistance during application but, we guide the customer if there are any doubts about the quantities, application and post-application.
Wie viel Rebotec Waterproof soll in einem Betongemisch aus einer 10-kg-Tüte verwendet werden?Die Menge hängt vom Betonverhältnis ab. Unser Technisches Datenblatt gibt an, dass für jeden 50 kg Zement 2 kg Rebotec verwendet werden sollten (das sind 4 % des Zementgewichts). Für eine Standard-Betonmischung mit einer Druckfestigkeit von 4000 psi in einem Mischwagen in Brasilien (8 Kubikyard) empfehlen wir 9 Säcke zu je 10 kg (90 kg Rebotec). Insgesamt sollten Sie die Gesamtmenge überprüfen, und 4 % Rebotec sollten für das Gemisch verwendet werden.
How does the performance of your Rebotec Waterproofing additive compare to traditional membrane-based waterproofing methods in terms of effectiveness and longevity?Waterproofing based on asphalt blanket and acrylic membrane lasts for 5 years, as they suffer degradation with bad weather. Waterproofing using Rebotec Waterproofing presents the durability of the concrete, as it is a mineral additive and does not suffer degradation from UV rays and weathering.
Quali vantaggi offre l'additivo Rebotec Waterproof rispetto ai prodotti concorrenti presenti sul mercato?Rebotec Waterproofing is a powdered mineral aggregate that is insoluble in water. The molecules of Rebotec Waterproofing are dispersed in the pores and capillaries from the moment of their addition, through chemical interactions between the cement molecules and the molecules of Rebotec Waterproofing. It does not need a chemical reaction for the process of water-repelling the structure to take place. It reduces permeability by inhibiting corrosion of reinforcing steel and inhibits alkali aggregate reactions. While competing products are either organic, or they are water-soluble and require the presence of water during curing for crystals to be formed within the structure of the capillaries and pores of the concrete, through a chemical reaction.
Are there any potential cost savings or benefits associated with the long-term durability and maintenance of structures treated with your powder additive compared to membrane-based solutions?These are two different products. Rebotec Waterproofing is rigid (hard) used as an additive for a new concrete or cement base mass. Membrane base solutions are mostly flexible and have a lower lifespan. Both combined (rigid+flexible) is the ultimate waterproofing system.
Wie vergleichen sich die Lebenszykluskosten der Verwendung Ihres Additivs mit traditionellen Methoden, unter Berücksichtigung von Faktoren wie Wartung, Reparatur und Ersatz?Der Lebenszyklus der Rebotec-Wasserabdichtung entspricht dem Lebenszyklus des Betons. Er hängt von der Qualität und der Lebensdauer des Betons ab.
Haben Sie Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen oder Fallstudien durchgeführt, die die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile der Verwendung Ihres Additivs über die Lebensdauer eines Bauprojekts zeigen?Da die Lebensdauer unseres Produkts der Lebensdauer des Betons entspricht, basiert der Kosten-Nutzen-Vorteil auf der Qualität des Betons selbst und des Abdichtungssystems.
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