A New Concept in Impermeability

Our Product
REBOTEC Waterproof is a powder admixture for waterproofing concrete and mortars. REBOTEC nanoparticles react with cement during the hydration process, utilising natural mineral substances to block the capillary network, repel water, and provide a high level of impermeability to concrete or mortar.
REBOTEC Waterproof is 100% mineral, non-toxic, non-polluting and safe to touch without the need for additional PPE.
When using REBOTEC Waterproof as an additive to your concrete, the finished concrete product repels water and becomes truly non-porous. As long as the integrity of the concrete structure remains intact, there is no degradation in the water-proof qualities of the finished product for its intended life-span.

General information about
Rebotec Waterproofing
Rebotec Waterproofing is an advanced solution designed to significantly improve the durability and strength of concrete. Being 100% mineral, non-toxic, and non-polluting, it contributes to environmental protection by preventing underground chemical contamination and preserving water quality. This product protects aquifers and terrestrial ecosystems by preventing filtrations into the subsoil and contamination of oceans in underwater constructions, such as coral restoration. Additionally, its water-repellent nature prevents the formation of mold and fungi, mitigating the spread of diseases.
This innovative product, developed with nanotechnology and composed of a mineral additive, should be used at a rate of 4% of the total cement. For example, for a 25 kg bag of cement, 1 kg of Rebotec Waterproofing is required.
The effectiveness of Rebotec is fully realized after the concrete has cured, which normally takes 28 days. This product not only effectively waterproofs but also increases the load capacity of the concrete, extending the life of constructions and reducing the need for reconstruction, thereby decreasing the demand for natural resources.
Rebotec Waterproofing is available in various formats: 1 kg bags, ideal for small repairs or domestic applications; 10 kg bags for larger projects; and big bags of one ton for large-scale industrial applications. Its versatility makes it applicable in various sectors, improving the lifespan of the products in which it is used.
This product was awarded the innovation prize at the Concrete World event in Las Vegas, highlighting our commitment to creating sustainable and efficient solutions that not only transform the way structures are built but also promote the creation of more sustainable and resilient cities. With virtually no direct competition in Europe and unparalleled quality, Rebotec offers sustainable innovation, as everything built with this product will last as long as the structure itself.
For more technical information and safety details about the product, users can consult the technical sheet and MSDS available in the FAQ section of our website.
Get to Know Rebotec
Find below 5 videos in Spanish, if you want to watch them in another language please click on their language.
Rebotec Water: Hydroreppelency test
This test shows that by adding REBOTEC onto a finger it creates a protective barrier, so strong, that after it has been submerged in water, when removed, the finger remains completely dry.
Humidity in buildings and Rebotec
The test shows when Rebotec is combined with sand and submerged in water, it makes the mixture water repellent. Demonstrating how the product acts with the cement, mortar etc
Rebotec: crack test
In this precast made with sand, cement and Rebotec you will see how Rebotec will repel water even when the structure has cracks.
New formula : Only 4% needed.!
Rebotec: surface tension test
Do you know you can make sand float? In this video you will see how this is possible.
Rebotec vs. Fire: What's your bet?
Ready to see Rebotec face off against fire? Place your bets!